Have you ever been rejected? I'm sure every person reading this could pinpoint a moment where they felt completely rejected from a friend, family member, co-worker or even a complete stranger. What about rejection when it comes to sharing the Gospel with someone? How do we receive rejection and how to we lovingly carry on? The other day, my daughter Kelsey's best friend from childhood, Charlotte, came to visit. Of course, Kelsey immediately planned the different places she would take Charlotte to. We live in Orlando - a city filled with exciting and fun adventures! Before going to their dinner reservation one night, Kelsey and her husband Jordan took Charlotte to a brand new hotel which has a beautiful Barcelona, Spain themed coffee shop inside. They enjoyed their lattes and cappuccinos paired with deep conversation about where they desire to see themselves 10 years down the road. Kelsey went on to say how she and Jordan long to see a great harvest of souls in the next 10 years - as well as having children and other dreams/goals she has. They finished their coffees, paid their bill, and began to head towards the exit when of course (being women) Kelsey and Charlotte turned around to use the restroom. When they opened the door, a woman working at the hotel was cleaning the bathroom. While Kelsey and Charlotte were washing their hands, Charlotte stepped out to take a phone call and the woman began talking to Kelsey about different amenities and restaurants that the new hotel had to offer. This woman was very open and excited to share this info with Kelsey. Realizing she had just talked to her friend about seeing a harvest of souls saved, Kelsey felt responsible to share with the woman about Jesus since she seemed so open and excited to talk.
Right then, a brick wall went up.

The woman rejected prayer or even talking about Jesus. She explained how the company she works for would not allow any kind of talk like that - or any other religious conversation. Kelsey lovingly explained how she simply wanted to extend prayer and Jesus to the woman. She ended the conversation by telling her she hoped she had a wonderful evening and walked out the restroom door. Sometimes, we will have moments where a person will begin to cry as they feel the love of Jesus engulf them while we share. Other times, however, you may have a closed door from them. This woman was at least courteous towards Kelsey, but we won't always be that fortunate.
I've encountered people cursing the name of Jesus, Steve encountered someone throwing their beer bottle at him for simply saying the name Jesus, and sometimes you may get a debater who would love to challenge everything that you believe in when it comes to Christianity.
At the end of the day, I have to remind myself of what Jesus said in Luke 10:16, "Whoever listens to you listens to Me; whoever rejects you rejects Me; but whoever rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”
In this life, Jesus warned us that we would be hated for His name sake. People will reject us, but it's how we respond that matters most. A simple smile and words of love, regardless of how they're treating us, should be our response.
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1
In the 40+ years that I have been in ministry, I have learned one very valuable lesson when it comes to rejection of the Gospel. They can hate my words all they want, but they can never stop me from praying for them. As you intercede, pray that God would soften their heart. Pray that they would receive dreams and visions from Him. Pray that they would have a genuine encounter with the Lord and that their lives would be changed forever!
Remember, it took the Damascus Road encounter for God to transform Saul's entire life and give him a new identity. Pray that they will have a "Damascus Road" encounter as well! I know that the Lord grieves over people who reject Him - and that means our hearts should grieve as well. Get past the feelings of rejection and begin interceding over their hearts.
It's not personal, it's spiritual.
There is a spiritual battle happening behind the scenes and we must be in tune with God's heart for someone, rather than our own feelings. Deep down, they're broken, hurt and longing for something more, and we have the gift of prayer to lift them up and reveal hope to them! Don't give up. Keeping praying and believing for a miracle in their heart!
With all my love,